Academy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey Says “Prayer is My Time to Do Inventory”

matthew mcconaughey

By: Laura Bennett

Film stars are an interesting breed. We get to know them in our homes through the characters they bring to life, and the glittery-ness of their lifestyles frame the aspirations of many a punter. Although, more often than not, you discover that behind all the red-carpet glamour is simply someone with wild stories to tell and personal depth that doesn’t always translate on magazine covers. Continue reading “Academy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey Says “Prayer is My Time to Do Inventory””

Christian Sexologist Dr Pat Helps Parents Tackle Tough Sex Talks With Their Kids

dr patricia weerakoon

By: Katrina Roe

“Boys on the school bus showed my nine-year-old son pornographic videos. He came home crying.”

“My little girl came home from school terrified. Her teacher told her that she can be a boy or a girl. She wants me to take her to the doctor to find out if she is a girl or a boy. She is six years old.”

“My 15-year-old daughter has decided that she is transgender and wants to be a boy.”

If these sound familiar to you, you’re not alone. Continue reading “Christian Sexologist Dr Pat Helps Parents Tackle Tough Sex Talks With Their Kids”