Modern Day Idols

girl scrolls through images on her phone

By: Sabrina Peters

So, what’s an idol? Maybe thoughts of wooden statues or graven images immediately spring to mind. Maybe the words of Exodus 20:3 echo in your head, “You must have no other gods apart from me.” Maybe an idol seems completely irrelevant to your life. After all, if I went into your home right now, I probably wouldn’t find any stone altars or brass statues and see you bowing down on the floor. Continue reading “Modern Day Idols”

Do You Feel Like You’re Drifting? Christine Caine Relates and Can Help with Your Reset

christine caine black and white headshot

By: Laura Bennett

Have you ever found yourself asking ‘how did I get here?’. Wondering, in life’s hurried pace and despite all your best intentions, how you arrived somewhere you never expected to be. Somewhere marked with disappointment perhaps, or just despondence and lethargy? Continue reading “Do You Feel Like You’re Drifting? Christine Caine Relates and Can Help with Your Reset”