Why Is My Drink in a Mason Jar?

mason jar

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

If you order a drink from any cafe, your drink will probably come in a Mason Jar.

The Mason Jar was invented in 1858 by John Landis Mason. It was mass produced in the 1900s by the Ball Corporation, with its iconic name in cursive, and the words “Made in U.S.A.” Once used for canning and preserving foods, it is now de rigueur for the global hipster aesthetic.

Whether you’re in Vancouver, New Jersey, or Lima (as I was last week!) your drink will come in a Mason Jar. Continue reading “Why Is My Drink in a Mason Jar?”

Love and Communication: 11 Expert Tips for a Better Marriage

Author: Focus On The Family

On the school playground, you probably gave your sweetheart a paper heart with “I like u a LOT” painstakingly scribbled on it in your favourite crayon colour. Since then, you’ve come a long way in terms of communicating your love to your spouse. But even the best marriage can benefit from a little spark. We chatted with relationship experts and life coaches for easy, practical tips on enhancing communication within a marriage, as well as special ways to express your love. Continue reading “Love and Communication: 11 Expert Tips for a Better Marriage”